Testing Equipment

PCI 3000 Certified Custom Coater and Peer Group member Westside Finishing Company (WSF) has come a long way from its humble beginnings in the early 1980s. The family-owned custom coater that started out with just a handful of employees in West Springfield, MA, has seen their staff grow more than tenfold.

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My dad, Jesus Raul Martinez Sr. (Raul), immigrated to the U.S. from Mexico in the 1950s. At that time, you could go to the U.S. Embassy and apply for a visa, which in his case took one year to receive.

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Research published by the Conway Center for Family Business states that 80 to 90% of U.S. businesses are family owned. While thirty percent of these businesses reach the second generation, only ten percent make it to the third

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It's time to take a look at new trends and technologies impacting the powder coating industry.

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The following is a guide for what to look for, how to confirm root cause, and recommendations for corrective action when troubleshoot coating defects in the field.

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A good day on the coating/finishing shop floor is one with no machine or supply chain issues, no operational breakdowns (equipment or personnel), no misplaced or mislabeled parts, and a part-processing workflow that works the way it’s designed.

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Troubleshooting the root cause of defects can be cumbersome, but based on experience, the first place I look is the earth grounding system for the coating operation.

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We are sometimes mystified at the speed at which “experts” can troubleshoot; however, it’s because they have done this many times, probably have seen the same or similar problems, and know where to start looking.

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Established in 1953 and purchased by the Thrailkill family in 1978, All Metals Fabricating was built on the telecom boom of the 1990s. The industry crash in 2000 led the company

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The performance of coatings for medical instruments and devices encompasses a very unique technology space. Not only do they have to protect and beautify

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