The Powder Coating Institute (PCI), announces that it is accepting applications for its 2017 PCI Scholarship Program. Designed to award students studying in areas that advance powder coating technologies, the Program includes the PCI General Scholarship, and two corporate member-sponsored scholarships: PCI/Axalta Scholarship and the PCI/Nordson Builds Scholarship. 


Posted in: Industry News

After your substrate has been powder coated, it must be cured. Is convection or infrared the way to go? What about electric or gas-fired? And how about those racks and hooks that need to be maintained. What type of burn-off oven is best? Whether you are looking for an oven to preheat, dry, cure or burn-off, we have rounded up a few of the suppliers in this Bonus Profiles section. Be sure to let them know you found them in Powder Coated Tough!


Posted in: Curing/Ovens

Listed alphabetically by state, the following companies are PCI® Custom Coater members as of February 9, 2017.


Posted in: Custom Coating

The next several pages are dedicated to job shops in the powder coating industry. Here, we present two PCI custom coater members who both hold PCI 3000 certification—Georgia Powder Coating and Inland Powder Coating. This page is PCI’s way to give back to its members while offering PCT readers an excellent resource for custom coating. When you turn the page, you will see all of PCI’s Category 5 members listed alphabetically by state.


Posted in: Custom Coating

Effective January 1, 2017, the Powder Coating Institute (PCI) proudly recognizes its current board of directors and executive officers. Our association is very fortunate to have the leadership of the following individuals:


Posted in: Industry News

Not long ago, the great people of our great country underwent one of the most fractious elections in my lifetime. Most political “experts” were fooled as to who all their polls and comprehensive studies had predicted to win. The campaigns were unequivocally divisive and bitter, pitting urban dwellers against country folk, coastal enclaves against “fly-over” states, and family members against each other.



Our company joined PCI in 1989, back then we were the “newbie” in an industry that was expanding rapidly but was still very immature. It sometimes felt like the Wild West back then, where “gunslinger” companies were entering this burgeoning market with products, materials, chemicals, and services that often promised more than they could deliver.



For more than 35 years, The Powder Coating Institute (PCI) has been serving its members by promoting the benefits of powder coating technology as the voice of powder coating worldwide.


Posted in: Industry News

One of the more popular powder coating looks is metallics. Metallics range from a bright sparkle finish to a muted reflective patina that approximates the surface of a metal. Metallic effect powder coatings are found across a wide spectrum of decorative finishes, including automotive wheels and trim, under hood components, architectural facades, lawn mowers, office furniture, appliances and bicycles.


Posted in: Raw Materials

In the world of oven design, there’s engineering, there’s experience, and sometimes there is even a little art. When you add the challenge of working with heat-sensitive substrates, it becomes exponentially more difficult. When finishing a heat-sensitive substrate, all types of heat technologies must be considered. Powder coating for these applications requires an investment in process design to ensure a good outcome, and the answer is seldom based on an engineering chart. For the best outcome, the business as well as operational needs need to be considered.


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