Welcome back to PC Pop Quiz—the department in Powder Coated Tough that is designed to test your general powder coating knowledge while competing against industry colleagues! When you joined The Powder Coating Institute, you received Powder Coating: The Complete Finisher’s Handbook. It’s time to put it to use and compete with your colleagues for a chance to win your own limitededition PCI long- or short-sleeved t-shirt!



Listed alphabetically by state, the following companies are PCI® Custom Coater members as of June 7, 2017.


Posted in: Custom Coating

The next several pages are dedicated to job shops in the powder coating industry. Here, we present two PCI custom coater members, each with its own unique capabilities—JIT Powder Coating Co. and Certified PCI 3000 A Plus Powder Coating Inc. This page is PCI’s way to give back to its members while offering PCT readers an excellent resource for custom coating. When you turn the page, you will see all of PCI’s custom coater members listed alphabetically by state.


Posted in: Custom Coating

The PCI Coatings Comparison Calculator has been updated. Ensure that you have the most up-to-date app, along with a linK to upcoming PCI events, by following the directions below.


Posted in: Industry News

That’s right. PCI has many benefits and you make many friends and acquaintances along the way. The benefits include continued education, the latest trends in the powder coating industry, information on the new coatings, and discounts on the training seminars and magazine advertising.


Posted in: Membership Memo

Anyone in the coatings industry can’t help but notice the spate of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity over the past couple years. Mega-deals are currently in the works and numerous medium-to-large transactions have occurred in the recent past. This phenomenon has been pervasive across the chemical industry, including raw material suppliers and paint companies. With this continual surge of activity, it makes one wonder why and what’s behind this frenzy.


Posted in: Industry News

In our present world of instant gratification, patience is in short supply. I know I am not telling you anything you don’t already know, but let’s think about it. Payday loans, same-day deliveries, five-day degrees (that’s a good one!), and high-speed Internet connections take us down a path where we are all too often leaving patience out of the picture altogether.


Posted in: Industry News

Producing a powder coating is a multi-step process. It can be described as semicontinuous because it begins as a batch process (weighing and premixing) but evolves into a continuous process (extrusion and milling). The exciting part of the manufacturing process is taking the abstract concept of the art of powder formulating and making it real and tangible. All the creativity and technology that has been infused into a formula becomes a reality. This Technology Interchange describes the first part of manufacturing powder coatings, namely weigh-up, premixing wand extrusion.


Posted in: Raw Materials

Just like Indiana is the hub for several major Interstate highways to crisscross, so, too, was the CC Forum a place for custom coaters to cross paths and learn from one another, taking with them valuable knowledge on their own highways to success. This year’s Custom Coater Forum was held March 30-31 in downtown Indianapolis. The opening evening began with a dinner at a local famous family-style restaurant, where PCI custom coater members enjoyed a great night of networking, good food, and the keynote speaker for the event.



It was roughly five years ago when JR Custom Metal Products (JRCMP) Inc. in Wichita, Kan., had been outsourcing so many parts for finishing that the company decided it made sense to put together a finishing system of its own. According to Jorge Martinez, vice president of sales and marketing at JRCMP, “Once we made the decision to build a powder coating finishing line, we wanted to do it right.” So, they started to attend industry events such as the Powder Coating Show (now called the Powder Coating Technical Conference and Tabletop Exhibition), PCI Hands-On Workshops and FABTECH. “We needed to learn a lot,” says Martinez. “We took everything to heart. We listened to all the speakers at all the events we attended. We learned about grounding, transfer efficiencies and line density. We learned about everything in general that we could about powder coating, and from there we figured out what kind of budget we would need to put in a new, ultimate system.”


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