PC Pop Quiz July-August 2017
Posted on Monday, July 24, 2017
Welcome back to PC Pop Quiz—the department
in Powder Coated Tough that is designed to test your
general powder coating knowledge while competing
against industry colleagues! When you joined The
Powder Coating Institute,
you received Powder
Coating: The Complete
Finisher’s Handbook. It’s
time to put it to use
and compete with your
colleagues for a chance
to win your own limitededition
PCI long- or
short-sleeved t-shirt!

How it works: The
staff at PCT has used
the handbook to come
up with questions that will
test your powder coating

We present the
questions here, in this
section, of every issue of
PCT. When you think you
know the answer, email it to
using the subject line “PC
Pop Quiz.” All correct
answers received by the
deadline will be entered in a drawing to win an
official PCI long- or short-sleeved t-shirt. In each
subsequent issue of the magazine, the question, its
correct answer, and the lucky winner’s name will
be published. All answers can be found in Powder
Coating: The Complete Finisher’s Handbook. Ready?
TOPIC: Coating Characteristics

- True Or False?
Gloss and color are inseparable.
- True Or False?
The most common gloss measurement
angle is 30 degrees from vertical.
- True Or False?
The most common gloss measurements
are reported as a surface reflectance value
relative to a black gloss standard.
- True Or False?
Gloss measurement is appropriate for
textured or very rough surfaces.
The question in the May/June edition of PC
Pop Quiz, along with the answer, is:
Q: Which of these is NOT a characteristic
of epoxy powder coatings?
- They can be formulated to be FDA-
- They were the first thermoset
powders commercially available.
- They have good weatherability.
- They can be used in functional
- They can be used in decorative
A: The primary limitation of epoxy-based powder
coatings is their poor weatherability. (p. 19)
Congratulations to our many readers who submitted the
correct answer. All those names were entered in a randomizer
app, and the lucky winner is:
Shawn Hull, plant engineer/project manager, at H.E. Orr
Company, Paulding, Ohio. The shirt you selected is on its way.