Tough Talk: Muscle Shoals Has Got the Swampers
Posted on Wednesday, April 19, 2017
By: Kevin Biller
Not long ago, the great people of our great
country underwent one of the most fractious
elections in my lifetime. Most political
“experts” were fooled as to who all their polls and
comprehensive studies had predicted to win. The
campaigns were unequivocally divisive and bitter,
pitting urban dwellers against country folk, coastal
enclaves against “fly-over” states, and family members
against each other.
New words entered our daily lexicon. Novel
terminology like “fake news,” “dog whistles” and
“alternate facts” became part of our vocabulary.
Moreover, the pervasive and unrelenting barrage
waged on social
media left us angry,
passionate and,
more often than
not, perplexed.
I must admit
that I unfriended
numerous contacts
from my Facebook
account, including
family, friends
and professional
colleagues. And
when your misguided, but zealous Uncle George
didn’t make your blood boil with his political views,
the apathy of a wide swath of the younger generation
did as they abandoned the privilege to cast a vote
because they couldn’t support any candidate.
I’m passionate about my personal beliefs and
the current state of our country, the world and our
collective future. But as I peer beyond our differences,
I still see kind-hearted people dedicated to the
common goal of promoting the best that America has
to offer our industry. I recall individuals with whom I
clashed politically yet have worked with tirelessly to
solve a frantic customer’s production line disaster. I
recognize some of these individuals as colleagues who
I have stood shoulder to shoulder with to establish
and launch the modest humanitarian goal of the PCI
Scholarship. Indeed, some of those who I will never
see eye to eye with politically were the first to step
up when I needed a donation for a not-for-profit
manufacturing enterprise in Africa.
When we step back, take a deep breath and look
at the needs of our country and our industry, we have
to stand united to advance quality, efficiency and
innovation. We cannot allow our personal views to
poison our professional relationships and stymie this
To be honest, it has taken me a while to reset my
mindset and look beyond our differences to focus
on industry goals. Recently I learned a very valuable
lesson from an unexpected source. Late one Friday
evening as I was
nestled with my
sweetheart and a
refreshing adult
beverage, I channelsurfed
my way
to a spellbinding
regarding the early
days of the Rock ’n
Roll industry. This
movie, modestly
entitled “Muscle
Shoals,” told the story of a fledgling recording studio
located in the middle of nowhere in northwest
Alabama. Much of the story was narrated by Tom
Hill, the mastermind behind the studio that changed
the sound and face of contemporary music from the
1960s through 1980s.

Besides Mr. Hill’s relentless quest for perfection
in musical quality, the backbone of this small studio
was a rhythm section of unassuming local musicians
called the Swampers. They were a group of about a
half dozen white fellas with a surprising funky, soulful
approach to music. My unwitting connection with
these guys sprang from the immortal line in Lynyrd
Skynyrd’s 1974 hit, “Sweet Home Alabama,” which is,
“ Muscle Shoals has got the Swampers.”
What struck me as I absorbed the unfolding
story was how these people from vastly divergent
backgrounds created some
of the most iconic music of
the 20th century. They backed
up artists as varied as Aretha
Franklin (“Respect” and “I Never
Loved a Man”), The Rolling
Stones (“Brown Sugar” and
“Wild Horses”), Wilson Pickett
(“Mustang Sally”), Bob Seger
(“Mainstreet” and “Night Moves”),
Etta James (“Tell Mama”), and Paul
Simon (“Kodachrome”).
The players mused about how
their craft transcended political,
racial and gender lines during this
tumultuous era. After sessions,
they would encounter stares of
disapproval when they grabbed
a bite to eat at a local diner with
musicians. Undeterred, they
shouldered on to create some of
the most imaginative and soulful
songs of their generation.
The story of the Swampers and
their historic accomplishments
compels me to recast my gaze
upon our fair industry and the fine
people who have made it what
it is today. We will succeed as an
industry and as a country if we cast
away our differing points of view
and focus on common goals and
our innate decency.
Kevin Biller is technical editor of Powder Coated Tough
magazine and president of The Powder Coating Research Group.
He can be reached via email at