PC Pop Quiz: Your chance to win an official PCI t-shirt or jersey!
Posted on Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Welcome to PC Pop Quiz—a new department in Powder Coated Tough that is designed to test your general powder coating knowledge interactively with the industry!
When you joined The Powder Coating Institute, you received Powder Coating:The Complete Finisher’s Handbook. If you haven’t utilized it in a while,now is your chance to dust it off and compete with your colleagues fora chance to win your own limited edition PCI t-shirt!
How it works: The staff at PCI has used the handbook to come up with questions that will test your powder coating knowledge. The questions will be presented in every issue of PCT as well as on the website. When you think you know the answer, email it to editor@powdercoating.org using the subject line “PC PopQuiz.” All correct answers received by the deadline (which is JANUARY 31) will be entered in to a drawing to win an official PCI jersey or t-shirt.
In each subsequent issue of the magazine, the question, its correct answer, and the lucky winner’s name will be published. All answers can be found in Powder Coating: The Complete Finisher’s Handbook.
Ready? Good luck!
TOPIC: Pretreatment
All but one of the following items are directly related to the type and quality of the pretreatment on the metal substrate that will be powder coated. Which of these does NOT apply?
• Dry-film adhesion
• Cross hatch adhesion
• Impact testing
• Zero T bends
• Post forming
• Substrate temperature
• Accelerated humidity testing
• Accelerated salt spray testing
• Cycle testing
• Filiform corrosion
Deadline: January 31!!
Email your answer to editor@powdercoating.org by JANUARY 31 for your chance to win!
This edition of PC Pop Quiz is brought to you Nordon -- Experts in Powder Coating Applications & Precision Dispensing www.nordson.com/powder