Technology Interchange: Powder Coating Summit: A Review
Posted on Friday, January 13, 2017
By: Kevin Biller
The 2016 Powder Coating Summit provided a cornucopia of
advancements in powder coating technology. Topics ranged from twocoat
systems to smart in-line powder application to fluoropolymer chemistry.
Allow me to give you a synopsis of some of the topics presented.
Optimal Process When Layering Powder Coatings
Rodger Talbert, noted powder
coating expert and director of
business development at Col-Met
presented a tutorial on multi-layer
powder coating technology. He
explained how single coats of powder
can meet indoor specifications but
typically have limited corrosion
resistance. Double coats with the
same powder provide improved
edge coverage and better corrosion
resistance than a single coat. The
combination of a primer plus a
topcoat powder offers substantial
corrosion protection. Primer options
include standard epoxy, Mil-Spec
(military specification) primer and
zinc rich epoxy. Zinc rich powder
primers provide superior corrosion
resistance over blasted steel.
Talbert cautioned that fully curing
a primer followed by a topcoat
could risk intercoat adhesion and
recommended either partially
curing the primer prior to topcoat
application or applying a dry-ondry
primer/topcoat layered system.
The latter could present application

Selecting the Right Oven – Convection or Infrared
Returning speaker, Marty Sawyer,
presented an excellent treatise on
the pros and cons of various curing
technologies for powder coatings.
She began her presentation by
distinguishing between the various
types of heat transfer, namely
convection (movement of a fluid –
gas or liquid), conduction
(direct contact) and radiation
(electromagnetic waves). With
infrared (radiation) heating
absorption is key as black absorbs
more than white and matte absorbs
more than shiny. Convection can be
either through gas combustion or
electric resistance. Infrared on the
other hand can be generated with
gas-catalytic or electric techniques.
Sawyer didn’t promote a onesize-
fits all approach to curing
powder coatings. She identified the
advantages of ease of operation,
flexibility and tradition of using
convection, but also pointed out the
slow cure, cost and environmental
impact inherent to this technique.
Gas catalytic is low coat to operate,
uses a small footprint and is very
environmentally sound. Drawbacks
include high initial capital cost,
unsuitability for a diversity of parts
and the learning curve necessary
to master operation. Electric
Infrared provides the fastest cure,
highest gloss finish and is also
environmentally friendly. On the
other hand, electric IR has the highest
operating cost, requires a learning
curve and is the most unforgiving for
diverse part geometries.
Sawyer provided an excellent
video depiction of surface
temperature profiles of parts passing
through a gas catalytic IR tunnel.
This demonstrated the speed of
heat-up and the relatively good heat
distribution on the coated part. The
part required only 6:45 minutes
gas catalytic infrared compared to
30:00 minutes of gas convection
to complete the powder coating
cure. Sawyer concluded with, “there
are no bad technologies, just bad
applications"...of technologies.
Lab Demo – Twin Screw Extrusion Technology
Randy Kincer and Paul Young
of Baker Perkins were first time
laboratory demo contributors and
regaled attendees with a video
simulation of the inner workings
of a twin screw extruder. The video
depicted how the materials fed
into the extruder transition from a
dry blend of disparate components
to a homogeneous mixture. Baker
Perkins has perfected the screw
design of these complex machines to
maintain a consistent introduction
of raw materials having differing
particle size, shape, bulk density
and specific gravity. The video
and accompanying commentary
underscored the criticality of feed
zone screw configuration, extrusion
RPM and kneading zone design for
optimal dispersion of pigments and
distribution of resinous components.
Smart In-Line Powder Application
Chris Merritt, general manager
for Gema USA, updated the
conference delegates on the
advantages of improved design
powder pump technology. Gema’s
patented technology utilizes a dual
chamber powder pumping system
which is actuated by opening and
closing pinch valves. This enables
the powder to be transported in
a much denser phase (powder to
air ratio) which translates to more
constant powder output, less wear
and higher transfer efficiency.
These attributes are beneficial to
the powder applicator challenged
with a variety of powder types
including thin film products,
bonded metallics and unbonded
metallic/special effect powders.
These systems dubbed SIT include
internal performance monitoring
and process feedback to ensure
consistent atomization of the
powder as it exits the gun. The
reduced air velocity required with
this design ensures lower overall
maintenance costs as internal
parts experience reduced wear.
Fluoropolymer and Super-durable Polyster Blends
Shun Saitoh from AGC Chemicals,
Japan, spoke about his interesting
findings with FEVE (fluoroethylene
vinyl ether) based powder coatings.
Coatings based on this copolymer
technology offer the ultimate in UV
durability, typically enduring 20
or more years in a South Florida
environment without exhibiting
significant chalking or coating
degradation. Saitoh recommends
introducing superdurable hydroxyl
functional polyester resin to FEVE
based formulas for improved
economics while still exceeding all
common architectural specifications.
In addition, he explained how this
approach can be advantageous in
metallic containing formulations as
the polyester component stratifies
below the fluoropolymer leaving
the metallic portion intertwined
between the FEVE and polyester. This
phenomenon protects aluminum
flake from the hydrolysis commonly
seen with exposure to outdoor
environments. Saitoh presented EDX
(energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy)
cross sectional analysis to verify
this stratification. Not only does this
formulation system exhibit exceptional
UV durability but also excellent
corrosion resistance as evidenced with
AGC’s 4000 hrs. Salt Fog test results.
A unique formulating approach for
environmental dirt repellency was
presented as well. Saitoh’s theory is
predicated on lowering the Water
Contact Angle (low surface energy)
of the surface by the incorporation of
3 percent by weight of sodium dodecyl
benzene sulfonate. This allows rain to
rinse and effectively remove deposited
dust and dirt particles. Performance
was verified by vertically orienting
coated test panels for one year in the
industrial area of Chiba (east of Tokyo).
Saitoh also offered formulation
tips on achieving matte finishes with
FEVE based powder coatings. The
incorporation of 8 percent by weight
of 4 micron particle size Tospearl
(Momentive) produced a 60 gloss of
30 GU. Impact resistance, adhesion and
UV durability were not compromised
by this matting technique.
Surface Appearance Characterization
Jeralyn Camp, end-user manager
from BYK-Gardner, formerly a
coatings chemist, displayed her
expertise in coating characterization
with her discussion on Orange Peel
and Distinctness of Image (DOI).
She deftly dissected the aspects
of surface appearance explaining
how waviness and brilliance (DOI)
influence one’s perception of
appearance. Real world examples
were presented of how observation
distance impact human eye resolution
of a surface. The measurement
principle that BYK-Gardner has
mastered involves analyzing the
reflection of concentrated light beams
at a number of incident angles then
using mathematical filters to discern
long, medium and short wavelength
patterns. This technology utilizes
a total of five wavelength ranges to
define surface topography. Jeralyn
concluded with an offer to assist the
powder coating industry in further
defining and assigning hard numbers
to smoothness standards.

Conductive Primer for Non-Traditional Substrates
Our efforts to inspire students
to pursue careers in the powder
coating industry was evident as
PCI’s 2015 Scholarship awardee,
Atman Fozdar of Eastern Michigan
University delivered a talk on his
work on the powder coating of nontraditional
substrates. Fozdar, under
the tutelage of Dr. Vijay Mannari,
has been investigating techniques to
make wood and plastic substrates
conductive. By making these
substrates conductive electrostatic
deposition of powder can be
accomplished. Fozdar identified 106
to 1012 ohms/sq. surface resistivity
as a suitably conductive surface
(static dissipative). The technique
used to measure this is ASTM D257.
Conductive liquid primers based
on various acrylic based binders
were prepared using varying
concentrations of conductive agents.
These primers were applied to
MDF (medium density fiberboard),
polycarbonate and glass then
cured conventionally. UV curable
powder was then applied to surfaces
coated with these primers. The
deposited powders were melted
then cured with medium pressure
UV lamps. Adhesion was tested per
ASTM D4541. Primers containing
Deuteron™ conductive agent were
found to provide the best deposition
and adhesion.
To Conclude
All in all, this was the best
attended and supported PC Summit.
In addition to the fine technical
presentations, Bob Cregg of DSM
Resins gave a sparkling keynote
exploring Powder Coatings—10
Years from Now and a group of
industry experts conducted a lively
and informative panel discussion
exploring Penetrating New Markets.
In addition, we continued to support
students expressing an interest in
powder coating technology. PCI
Scholarships were awarded to
Youcheng Du and Diana Marcela
Rodriguez, both students from
Eastern Michigan University. And the
Nordson Builds—PCI Scholarship
was awarded to Jakob Waffen from
Ohio University.
We look forward to bringing more
new technology to market in 2017.
Kevin Biller is technical editor of Powder Coated Tough magazine and president of The Powder Coating Research Group. He can be reached via email at