Tough Talk: Let's Talk About Innovation
Posted on Friday, July 8, 2016
By: Kevin Biller
Every now and then I go on a rant
about how innovation in the
powder world has been stymied
or off-shored to some faraway place.
As an advocate in the industry, I
always worry about the future needs
in industrial finishing and if we,
as powder technologists, are up to
the task. Today I am here to report that there is
considerably less doom and gloom hovering over the
future of powder coatings.
Once a year, The Powder Coating Institute (PCI)
and Powder Coating Research Group collaborate to
bring you the Powder Coating Summit (PC Summit).
This event brings together the best and the brightest
minds in the industry to dialogue on the latest
trends in technology. The 2016 PC Summit features
presentations covering such diverse topics as:
- Pretreatment processes for plastic substrates.
- Novel resin blends for ultra-performance in
architectural applications.
- Improving corrosion resistance
with novel resins.
- Cutting-edge “smart” application
- Latest polychromatic effect
- Surface characterization methods.
- Conductivity schemes for nontraditional
- LED UV cure advancements.
- Novel infrared curing processes.
- Particle size effects on application performance.
- Natural Polyamide 11 powder coatings.
All of these are brought to you by the foremost
leaders in powder technology. Speakers are obliged
to bring something new to the party. We do not
accept old, recirculated presentations that you have
heard a dozen times. Another goal for the program
is to capture technology from a broad spectrum of
interrelated components of the powder finishing
process. We strive to “connect the dots” from the
powder coating
formula through
to pretreatment
and application
science and curing
technology. The
emphasis is always
on groundbreaking
technology, but the
true objective is to
contemplate how the
industry will take
these innovations to
market. These aren’t
just science projects
conducted for the
sake of science.

Another aspect
of the PC Summit is
providing abundant
opportunity for networking. We really want the resin chemist to talk
to the coating engineer. And we want to connect
the pretreatment expert with the curing equipment
technologist. It’s this type of technical intercourse that
brings reality and opportunity to the conversation.
The PC Summit spans two full days of swapping
knowledge among all viewpoints of emerging powder
coating technology. Powder chemistry, application
and curing fundamentals fill the first morning at the
historic French Renaissance style Westin Columbus.
The afternoon delivers live demonstrations of powder
processing, application and coating evaluation at the
Powder Coating Research laboratory. This gives you
a hands-on experience of powder coating technology
from the fundamental formulation and raw material
selection through extrusion, milling and application.
Experts will be on hand to explain the intricacies of
compounding, electrostatic deposition and testing

Following the lab demos, attendees are invited
to peruse an eclectic array of tabletop exhibits
while munching on delicacies and sipping on cool
refreshments. This is a rather intimate affair allowing
you to spend quality time with industry experts
outside the clamor of a big coating exhibition. A
newly revitalized downtown Columbus offers myriad
dining choices afterward. If you still want to hang
with powder coating geeks, Joe Powder will be
providing a casual buffet with refreshments and music
in the PCR Group lab/discotheque.
The second day is all about new technology.
Speakers from around the world will be elucidating
on how they are pushing the technology envelope
in their respective fields. Ample time is available for
questions and answers and networking. Included in
this symposium will be a panel discussion examining
the barriers to introducing new technology. The panel
is composed of industry experts from a variety of
technical vantages that will be sure to provide insight
into navigating the path to the commercialization of
innovative approaches in powder coating.
This year’s Summit is being held on October 4-5
in Columbus, Ohio. Details can be found under the
events tab on the website.
This is a one-of-a-kind technology event and its
strength is defined by the high quality of attendees
and the interchange they initiate with the Summit’s
technology experts. If you want to be part of the
evolution of new powder technology, then you have
to be in Columbus in October. Hope to see you there.
Kevin Biller is technical editor of Powder Coated
Tough and the president of The Powder Coating
Research Group. He can be reached at