Posted in: Industry News

The 2014 Powder Coating Show Is Coming to Indy

Posted on Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Slated for September 16-18, 2014, and brought to you by The Powder Coating Institute, the 2014 Powder Coating Show is the only tradeshow solely dedicated to the powder coating industry in North America! Proudly recognized as the leading resource for technical and applied technology forums as well as new product innovations and developments, this is your single best opportunity to meet and interact with the leading professionals from the powder coating industry. This show will provide the insights you need to optimize your current processes or convince you that powder coating is the optimal choice for coating your products and/or parts.

Keynote Kickoff

This year, the 2014 Powder Coating Show is proud to kick off the 2014 trade show with keynote speaker, Garrison Wynn. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear a high-energy, humorous, industry-specific keynote session that will deliver immediate, applicable take-aways that you can use while conducting business during the conference and back at your office or facility.

Wynn helps people make the jump from being great at what they do to developing the qualities it takes to be consistently chosen for the job. He gets them to understand why their products, services or leadership styles—or those of their competitors— are selected. As he says, “If the world agreed on what’s best, everybody would choose the best and nothing else would be considered. Decision making doesn’t work that way.” His presentations help people become more influential regardless of circumstances.

Wynn has presented to some of the world’s most effective leaders and business developers, from multi-million dollar manufacturers and national associations to top New York Stock Exchange wire houses. He has a background in manufacturing, telecomm, and financial services, and has toured as a professional stand-up comedian. In his teens, he worked with Magnavox and baseball legend Hank Aaron to promote the world’s first video gaming system, and by age 27 he become the youngest department head in Fortune 500 company’s history. He researched and designed processes for 38 locations nationwide and developed and contributed weekly to The Washington Post, and has co-authored with Stephen Covey. His award-winning success tools received high praise, but his greatest strength is a magnetic live performance that keeps him in high demand, with more than 600 inquiries and 100 speaking dates per year.

You don’t want to miss Wynn’s keynote, which is scheduled for Wed., Sept. 17 at 8:00 a.m. in the Expo Hall.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone involved—or trying to get into—the powder coating industry should attend this event. The technical conference offers a wide-range of sessions targeting those just entering the coatings world as well as those that are much more experienced. Types of attendees that have visited the show in the past include presidents and CEOs, business owners, sales and marketing representatives, engineers, technical personnel, plant managers, quality control managers, purchasing personnel, applicators, and more.

Professional Development

The Powder Coating Technical Conference offers a wide-range of sessions targeting those just entering the powder coatings world as well as those that are much more experienced. Use the online tool at www.powdercoatingshow. com to Create your own personalized program from a comprehensive curriculum of in-depth sessions on topics such as:

  • Cost control and reduction
  • Energy savings
  • Application efficiency
  • New technologies
  • Testing and quality control
  • Troubleshooting
  • Defect analysis
  • Defect reduction
  • and more!

The 2014 Powder Coating Show is the ultimate learning experience which will be rewarding for years to come. Find people, programs, services, tools, tips, resources, and best practices - all trusted to accelerate careers and company growth.

In addition to the outstanding technical conference (for a complete schedule and list of speakers, visit www., you’ll want to visit the Product Showcase and New Technology Lounge to view new products from leading manufacturers and suppliers. Or, visit the lounge to simply sit back, relax, and catch up on some emails. This lounge will be the home for the new product showcase and free WiFi right on the show floor.

The Product Showcase features innovative products and services dedicated 100% to powder coatings. Those products launched in the last 12 months will be eligible for the prestigious Product Innovations Award, which recognizes the top innovational product of the year.

Who’s Exhibiting?

For more than 30 years, PCI has brought together leading experts in the industry. PCI partners with leading industry organizations from manufacturing to consulting, to produce a first-class, must-be-at event. This year is no exception. The 2014 Powder Coating Show offers unique opportunities to make new sales, generate new leads, increase brand awareness, meet with current clientele and do business with qualified buyers, all there for one reason—powder coatings.

This event is an exceptional opportunity for exhibitors to make contact with key coating professionals and introduce attendees to new product technologies, programs, services, tools, tips, and resources.

For more information on attending or exhibiting this year’s must-attend event, visit the show website at