PCI Membership
Posted on Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Ricardo Miyares
As one of the principles of Miami-based FAMIS Inc., and
a relative newbie to the powder coating industry, it has
been very refreshing to find such a warm and supportive
environment centralized around The Powder Coating
Institute (PCI).
Our company participates in PCI’s education committee,
which sponsored 20 Hands-on Workshops in 2015 as well
as numerous Webinars. While at PCI’s annual meeting in
September, I learned that a Roadshow Program is underway
as well an individual certification program for applicators.
Getting educated about various aspects of the industry is
imperative, and this is where membership definitely has its
benefits. Now is the time to educate ourselves as regulation
and compliance
become more
Only a few years
ago, outside of
California it was
a rare day when
volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) and their content in coatings was a
topic of discussion. Today, with the formation of the 13-state
Ozone Transport Commission (OTC) in the Mid-Atlantic
and Northeast United States (which is currently looking to
add more states)—along with other organizations such as
the Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium (LADCO),
Florida Division of Air Resource Management and the Illinois
Pollution Control Board—VOC regulation and monitoring
is here to stay. I have learned that powder coating is an ideal
method to help reduce ground level ozone.
Education is just one of the many benefits that PCI
membership offers. As a single-source supplier to any size
powder coater, we realized that we need to be engaged,
informed and supportive to the powder coating industry as a
whole, and being a member of PCI is the best way to do
just that.