Posted in: Membership Memo


Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2021

I am completely invigorated after spending four days in beautiful Whitefish, MT, with my fellow PCI members!

After 14+ months of limited in-person interaction with my industry colleagues, I found the annual meeting to be very inspiring.

My first exposure to PCI was participating in a Powder Coating 202 workshop in Minnesota in 2018, followed by the annual meeting in Sarasota, FL. I found each person I encountered at those two events to be welcoming and supportive of PCI’s mission, eager to promote the benefits of powder coating technology to manufacturers, consumers, and government. What I have learned since attending those events is that this important mission only works if you do too. At the 2018 Annual Meeting, of the Board of Directors, John Sudges from Midwest Finishing, implored fellow members in his PCI update to #GetInvolved. I heeded John’s advice and now have the pleasure of serving as the Scholarship Subcommittee chair. Our group of dedicated volunteers most recently reviewed 38 applications from across North America and awarded $35,000 in scholarships to nine young people who may be entering our industry over the next twenty-four months. I can tell you firsthand that based on this year’s scholarship award winners, the future of our industry is very bright!

The opportunities to get involved with PCI are endless— whether you are an OEM with a finishing line or a custom coater, I urge you to attend a PCI Powder Coating 101 or 202 workshop in the next several months. If you are currently employed in the industry, reach out to a current board member (or me!) and ask how you can get involved. All roles within PCI are volunteer based but as with any opportunity to volunteer—whether it is in your local community or in industry—any time, effort, or treasure you contribute is likely to come back to you tenfold. Read through this issue of Powder Coated Tough, find something that is of interest to you, and reach out to PCI Executive Director Kevin Coursin and get involved!

Teddy Piepkow is sales manager central U.S. and Canada, for Nordson Corporation.