Posted in: Tips & Tricks

PC Pop Quiz

Posted on Tuesday, May 28, 2019

This Edition’s Deadline: June 3 Good Luck!

Test your powder coating knowledge interactively with others in our industry and enter for a chance to win a PCI long- or short-sleeved t-shirt!

How it works: We’ve developed questions that test your powder coating knowledge using a copy of Powder Coating: The Complete Finisher’s Handbook. PC Pop Quiz questions can be found in each issue of PCT.

Put on your thinking cap and then email your answer to using the
subject line “Pop Quiz.” All correct answers received by the deadline will be entered in a drawing to win an official PCI long-or short-sleeved t-shirt! In each subsequent issue of the magazine, the correct answer
and the lucky winner’s name will be published.

This Issue’s Question:

Q: With the use of a reclaiming powder system, what percentage of the powder coatings being sprayed can potentially be utilized?
Choose the correct answer:
A. More than 95%
B. 80-90%
C. 70-80%
D. Less than 70%

Send your answers for your chance to win!

The question for the March/April edition of Pop Quiz, along with the answer is:

Last Issue’s Question:

Q: The EPA provides guidelines on the amount of
pollutants a finishing operation can discharge into the
sewer system. According to the EPA (thresholds may
be different for Local Authorities Having Jurisdiction),
which of the following pollutants can you indirectly
discharge the LEAST amount each month?

B. Lead
C. Nickel
D. Silver
E. Zinc

A: The answer is D. Silver. On page 89 of the Handbook
you’ll see a table which contains pollutant levels
included in the Code of Federal Regulators 40CFR,
Chapter 1, Part 433.13.

The number of respondents we get for Pop Quiz continues to
grow. We appreciate all those who took the time to participate!

Last issue’s winner is:
Dave Beckman,
Paint Technician,
DeWys Manufacturing
The t-shirt you selected
is on its way.