Building a Better Powder Coating System

Posted on Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Whether you’re new to powder coating and need to build a new system or you’ve been at it for years and need an upgrade, you undoubtedly have a lot of questions.

In this issue of Powder Coated Tough we sought the help of experts from various corners of the powder coating industry to help us look at some of the major considerations when building or upgrading a powder coating system. In the ensuing pages you will find the finishing process segmented into:

Pretreatment Chemicals 
Pretreatment Equipment 
Application Equipment 

While it’s impossible to address every contingency here, we’ve covered enough ground to make this an invaluable resource as you begin your journey. 

Common themes you’ll find throughout is to do research based on your unique needs and consult with experts.  The Powder Coating Institute is the perfect place to gather information and connect with experts throughout every corner of the industry. By leveraging PCI workshops and conferences like the upcoming Powder Coating Technical Conference you should have the tools you need to make informed decisions about your powder coating business.