PC Pop Quiz
Posted on Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Test your powder coating knowledge interactively with others in our industry and enter for a chance to win your own limited-edition PCI long- or short-sleeved t-shirt! How it works: We’ve developed questions that test your powder coating knowledge using a copy of Powder Coating: The Complete Finisher’s Handbook. PC Pop Quiz questions can be found in each issue of PCT. Put on your thinking cap and then email your answer to popquiz@powdercoating.org using the subject line “PC Pop Quiz.” All correct answers received by the deadline will be entered in to a drawing to win an official PCI long- or short-sleeved t-shirt! In each subsequent issue of the magazine, the correct answer and the lucky winner’s name will be published.

A common sign of back ionization is “starring” or craters, which may lead to functional coating failures if the powder material does not flow well during the curing process.
A: The answer is: True. Back ionization occurs when too much charge accumulates on the powder
coating layer covering the part’s surface. Tools such as grounded counter electrodes and automatic gun
current and voltage controls are effective in delaying back ionization by reducing the free ion current to the part and slow down the charge buildup on the powder coating layer. See page 112 of the Handbook for more information.
The number of respondents we get for PC Pop Quiz continues to grow. We appreciate all those who took the time to participate!
This month’s winner is: Bucky Kessinger, Mechanical Engineer, Trimac Industrial Systems, LLC. The t-shirt you selected is on its way.