PCI Announces Its 2019 Custom Coater Forum
Posted on Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Powder Coating Institute (PCI) will once again host its popular Custom Coater Forum as part of the PCI Powder Coating 2019 Technical Conference. The Custom Coater Forum will be held April 1 & 2, 2019, at the Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld®, prior to PCI’s Powder Coating 2019 Technical Conference and Tabletop Exhibition on April 3 & 4. The Custom Coater Forum provides presentations and roundtable discussions on business solutions, new product technologies, PCI programs, and much more.
“We are excited to offer this unique event. There is no other educational and networking forum quite like this, designed specifically for custom powder coaters,” says Trena Benson, PCI executive director. “The programming is designed from the feedback of PCI custom coater members. It is an excellent opportunity to help powder coaters gain new resources and tools to improve their business, as well as develop relationships with other powder coaters.”
The Custom Coater Forum will begin at noon on Monday, April 1, and run through Tuesday afternoon, April 2. Unlike previous years when the Custom Coater Forum followed the Technical Conference, PCI scheduled the 2019 Forum on Monday and Tuesday to allow attendees to arrive over the weekend and enjoy Orlando area activities before the event. Comments from last year’s attendees included “I gained a lot of knowledge in a great, friendly, informative environment., There were great speakers and it was interesting to meet other coaters from around the country,” and “very good topics and discussion!”
The Custom Coater Forum is a significant event attended by many innovative custom coaters from across the U.S. Sponsorships are available for this one-of-a-kind event that will give companies exposure to these custom coaters, including networking and face-to-face interaction with key individuals in the industry. Visit www.powdercoating.org/PC19 to review and reserve sponsorships now.
Mark your calendar for April 1 - 4, 2019, and plan to attend the PCI Custom Coater Forum and Powder Coating 2019 Technical Conference in Orlando, Florida. Programming information will be available in November and posted to the PCI website.