PC Summitry: Achieving Powder Cure and Avoiding Craters
Posted on Sunday, February 1, 2015
In a perfect world, troubleshooting
would never be an issue. Products
would arrive before they were ever
needed, application performance
would work universally across all
types of spray equipment, and coatings
would perform flawlessly over
a wide range of handling and baking
conditions. As we all know, life in the
finishing world is seldom perfect. Unforeseen
daily challenges erupt when
we least expect them, and our wits are
put to the test on an unrelenting pace.
This article will touch on a couple
of the more common problems encountered
with a powder coating finishing
operation and the remedies to
fix them. In addition, some strategies
to avoid these pitfalls will be offered.
Achieving Acceptable Cure Under-cured powder coatings can
be difficult to detect but will cause
a whole host of problems including
chipping, loss of adhesion, poor
durability and scratch resistance. One
of the problems with recognizing under-cure is that a poorly cured powder
looks just like a fully cured one.
Powder coaters don’t have the luxury
of a “wet paint” condition to assess
completeness of cure.

The first place to start is the vendor
supplied Product Data Sheet (aka
Technical Data Sheet). This document
will describe the time and temperature
required for the coated part to achieve
acceptable cross-linking to ensure film
performance. It is very important to note that the time and temperature
stated refers to the part temperature
and not the oven air temperature.
Consequently it is incumbent upon
you to know the part temperature and
how long it maintains or exceeds this
minimum temperature. This can be
done using an industry standard time/
temperature logger such as a DatPaq™
or Curvex-2™. Otherwise an infrared
pyrometer can help however it requires
a line of sight to the surface of the coating
and can be cumbersome to use with
a batch oven.
The flip side of under-cure is over bake
issues. Most polyester type
powder coatings provide a fairly wide
bake condition window and perform
well with longer bake times and/
or higher temperatures. Epoxy and
hybrid powders tend to discolor with
excessive heat especially in whites and
light colors. In addition semi-gloss and
matte powders typically slide out of
gloss specification when over baked or under-cured.
Ensuring acceptable powder bake
conditions requires the control of the
• Metal Mass in the Oven. Uneven
and inconsistent loading of parts
skews the metal temperature and
may cause significant over bake or under-curing of the coating.
• Conveyor Line Speed. Line stoppages
can create over bake conditions
whereas increased line speed may
result in under-cure.
• Mixing Dense and Thin Gauge
Parts. Dense parts such as castings
require significantly longer oven
dwell times to achieve the same temperature
curve as light gauge sheet
metal parts.
In addition it is wise to select a powder coating with a
wide recommended bake range. Table 1 above depicts the
typical bake/curing performance of generic powder coating
The best way to verify powder cure on an operating
finishing line is to perform solvent rubs in an inconspicuous
area of the coated part. A shop cloth or Q-Tip saturated
with acetone is a common method. It is best to compare
the solvent resistance of a coated part with that of a known
control that has been confirmed as fully cured. This can be
a coated test panel from your powder vendor or a self-generated
one. Typically cured polyesters can withstand 25
acetone double rubs with a minimal of color transfer and
softening on the coating. Epoxies, hybrids and polyurethanes
usually transfer no color with negligible softening
of the film. Gloss and color measurement can also be
instructive of cure behavior. Discoloration usually indicates over bake and higher gloss typically points to under-cure.
Another question is how often to check completeness
of cure. I recommend checking with every product change
and certainly with any process change (e.g., line speed,
oven load, different parts mix, etc.). Intuitively it makes
sense to run a test at least every shift regardless.
Avoidance of Cratering
Indeed this is the bane of every finishing shop—the elusive
and often sporadic incidence of craters. Craters can be
defined as a circular interruption in a coating surface that
is a result of a contaminant that has a significantly different
surface tension. Severe craters are also known as “fisheyes”
for their obvious resemblance to the piscean ocular feature.
What are common sources of craters? The most prominent
cause is unclean compressed air in your spray equipment.
Most air compressors rely on lubrication of the
pistons or screws that create the compressed air. This lubrication
must be captured before the air reaches the spray
equipment. A couple measures are essential for oil-free
application air.
The supply line from
the compressor should employ an air
cooler to condense and remove ambient
moisture that gets entrained in the air
compressor. Some oil removal is also
accomplished at this stage. A two-stage
filter system should be installed closely
downstream from the air cooler. This
system is comprised of an air filter (5
micron is good) that removes particulates
and some moisture followed by a
coalescing filter that traps oil mist particles.
Finally another air filter should
be present just before your air supply
to your application equipment. This
catches any particulates that may have
come from your supply lines.
Having installed a high quality
cooling and filtration system on your
compressed air line isn’t good enough
to ensure crater-free coatings. It is incumbent
upon you to perform regular
inspections and maintenance on your
filters and air cooler to keep the air
If you know you have clean compressed
air and still experience craters
the source is probably due to either a
material or environmental contaminant.
From a material standpoint the source
of craters includes: substrate contaminants
such as forming oils, drawing
compounds and press lubricants. Intermixing
of incompatible powders can
result in cratering. Most egregious of
these are silicones (typically high heat
formulas) and acrylics (mainly automotive grades).
Miniscule contamination of "standard" Powder coatings (polyester, epoxy and hybrids) by acrylic or silicone
powders will result in a cratering
problem that may take herculean effort
to correct. (See Table 2 above)
Environmental contaminants emanate
from a wide variety of sources and
include lubricants such as WD-40™and other rust preventatives, hand
lotions and creams, cosmetics, silicone
and petroleum based greases and
silicone paints. Awareness of potential
sources of craters and personal
protective measures to isolate skin care
products from the application area can
go a long way in avoiding these types
of defects.
Preventing material crater contamination
requires thorough cleaning of
substrates to eliminate any residual
forming compounds or lubricants. Avoiding inter-powder contamination
requires strict cleaning protocols
between product changes on your
finishing line. If the compatibility
of two powders is in question it is
advisable to test the compatibility by
deliberately spiking a powder with a
small amount (0.1%) of the previous
powder sprayed and observing the film
Avoiding environmental cratering
sources requires vigilance in keeping
your compressed air contaminant-free
and your application area clean and isolated from the rest of your plant.
Pay careful attention to maintenance
procedures and materials used to
lubricate mechanical equipment and
conveyors. Also avoid silicone greases
and traditional rust preventatives.

Running a powder finishing is
always a challenge. Achieving adequate
cure and avoiding craters in
your finished product are but two of
the many requirements for a successful
operation. Careful process control,
procedures, and training of personnel
will provide some of the tools to keep
your finishing system out of trouble.
Kevin Biller is technical editor of Powder
Coated Tough and the president of The
Powder Coating Research Group. He can be
reached at kevinbiller@yahoo.com