Posted in: Industry News

Director's Message: Coating 2012 A Smashing Success Now, On to 2013!

Posted on Saturday, December 1, 2012

By Dave Lurie

Happy Holidays! By the time you read this, the Coating 2012 Show will be a very pleasant memory and you will be feverishly preparing for the holiday season. But, it would not hurt to recap the Coating 2012 Show once again. Exciting! Great! Best Show ever! I can’t wait until next year! These were just a few comments from the exhibitors at the recent Coating 2012 Exhibition and Conference held in the America’s Center in St. Louis. Here is a sample comment: “We had over 70 people attend our Intro to Powder Coating session and over 100 people attend the Advanced Powder Coating session. Clearly people trust the Powder Coating Institute for their technical information and education. Most other sessions I looked in on were well attended also. Good booth traffic and focused, purchase ready visitors made for a great show.” (Video comments can be found on YouTube at com/user/PowderCoatingInst? feature=em-share_video_user.) With more than 56 hours of high level technical presentations and over 100 exhibitors, participants in Coating 2012 were energized by their experience. In addition to the overflow technical sessions, there were numerous opportunities for networking with some of the most prestigious companies attending the Show, including Caterpillar, John Deere and Boeing. The Happy Hour and Live Auction, Product Innovation Award, Daily Raffle prizes, Virtual Reality Training Competition and the Hospitality Night in the beautiful and ornate Renaissance Grande Ballroom spelled success from the moment the event started. Results of the prizes and awards at Coating 2012 can be found on the next page. The Powder Coating Institute (PCI) is proud to announce that the show will be called Powder Coating 2013, focusing solely on the powder coating technology. This will be held once again at the America’s Center in St. Louis; the dates are October 8-10, 2013. If you do powder, this show is for you! Make your plans to attend this exciting and dynamic show. Contact Jennifer Egan at 832- 585-0770 or by email at for more information, or visit On behalf of the staff at PCI, have a wonderful and safe holiday, and see you in 2013!

Sincerely, David Lurie, Co-Executive Director, Powder Coating Institute