When this Oregon, lll., agriculture and turf products
maker was contemplating the switch from liquid paint to powder coatings,
one of the last obstacles that had to be overcome was that of fast color changes.
Until recently, switching quickly from one color to
another was a domain fiercely guarded by liquid
painters. Now,
in less time than it takes
to say “environmentally
compliant,” operators at
Woods Equipment
Company, Oregon, Ill., an
agricultural and turf
products manufacturing
and finishing plant, can
switch from Woods
Orange to any other color
they choose.

Woods’ new color-ondemand
capability, called
PrimaColor-Select®, is as
simple to use as the flick of a
dial. And it was the hurdle in a corporate decision to convert
from liquid to powder coating in their plant. There
were compelling reasons for Woods to install two new
powder lines, even during troubled economic times that
might have discouraged other companies. But the company’s
commitment to quality has paid off for Woods in a
number of ways.
Renowned for their durability and craftsmanship,
powder coating offers Woods agricultural and turf
products the same
toughness on the outside
as the products are
on the inside. “Things
have changed since
1946 when our first
model rolled off the production
line,” says
Angela Larson, director
of marketing and communications
at Woods.
“Today’s paint specification
looks a lot like an
automotive-quality standard.”
That’s not surprising
since Woods’ cutters,
mowers, tractors and implements are exposed to
the harshest weather, most caustic chemicals, and
battering conditions a finish could be asked to
endure. “Woods raised the bar through self-imposed
standards, positioning us as a leader with this stateof-
the-art system,” says Jerry Johnson, president of
Woods Products division.

The undertaking to replace
Woods liquid paint lines began in
2010 when a small team began to
evaluate powder coating and equipment
suppliers. The group had
inherited a powder system that
served as an in-house lab to develop
the new process. “We quickly agreed
that powder offered a lot of advantages,”
recalls Tim Fulmer, a manufacturing
engineer that helped
design the system. “No Comparison.
Powder gave us a much more
appealing look, with a more consistent
surface, free of any drips or
sags,” says Fulmer. “And the final
coating is tougher, more resistant to
abrasion and scratches.”
Color retention increased twoand-
a-half times over the old wet
spray, and the powder coating
process provides better paint coverage,
especially on hard to reach
areas—the nooks, crannies, and
welds that make up the complicated
steel assemblies. While powder
makes the visible surfaces more
attractive to dealers and end users,
it also lasts longer underneath,
invisibly protecting the entire
machine against the destructive
effects of rust and corrosion.
Mowing Down the Problem
“But for all these strengths, our
move to powder would not have
happened without solving the color
change problem,” says Jeff Rorbeck,
operations manager for the Oregon
facility. With 10 standard colors and
occasional custom requests, Woods
could not afford significant downtime
to switch from one color of
powder to another. After visiting a
half dozen suppliers, the answer
came from nearby Elgin, Ill., where
Wagner Industrial Solutions engineered
a quick-change color system
that allows Woods to switch
between any two colors in 20 seconds
“It’s mesmerizing to watch,” says
Rorbeck. “You see a part being
sprayed orange. The operator reaches
over and turns a dial on the wall,
and the next part is bright green.”
With barely a single empty hook in
between parts, the fast change color
ability keeps Woods from having to
batch colors and allows them to continue
to offer fast turnaround and
delivery times.
The PrimaColor-Select powder
systems use some of the latest powder
equipment technology, with
high-efficiency downdraft Prima®
style powder booths outfitted with
combinations of manual and automatic
spray guns. What resembles a
high-tech paint kitchen for powder is
connected to a selector dial that
allows operators to switch between
different colors on the fly. The first
system, a manual spray gun system
for the Woods turf products (like mowers
and backhoes) was installed during
late summer and by the end of the
year, another system for coating cutters,
attachments and implements
was up and running as well.
The second booth features two
automatic spray stations (each with
six guns mounted on electronic
reciprocators) along with two manual
touch-up stations. Both systems
take advantage of the high-efficiency
C4® Wagner spray gun technology
and DigiTech® gun control package.
A light curtain array, located
just upstream of the powder booth,
automatically calculates the part
size and recalls a preset recipe as
the part enters the spray booth. The
system controller signals the spray
guns to move to their proper position,
triggering only those guns
needed for each particular part, and
only for as long as necessary to
achieve a uniform film build. This
computerized ability to fine tune
the powder application parameters
saves powder cost by minimizing
wasteful overspray.

“We don’t miss liquid painting one
bit,” says Gary Bally, a paint line
supervisor. “Sure, things work differently
with powder than with wet
paint, but the learning curve was
fast, and by the time the second system
was up and running, everybody
had learned a lot about powder coating.”
Gone is the rework. Gone are
the solvents, rags and mess associated
with liquid coating. And in a
locale where there are more parks
and rivers then there are factories,
being a responsible corporate citizen
has long been a part of the Woods
corporate culture.
“What you might not notice
immediately,” says Fulmer, “is the
reduction in our carbon emissions,
energy use, and hazardous materials use in our
plant.” The improved air quality eliminates the
need to exhaust air from the plant, but rather to
recycle it. There are no VOCs or hazardous waste
disposal issues to deal with anymore. “Woods continues
to find ways to lead our industry in quality
products, and by reducing the undesirable impact
on future generations of dealers, producers, ranchers,
contractors, landscapers and home owners,”
says Rorbeck.

The payoff for Woods has not only been in making
a better product with a cleaner process, but
has also contributed handsomely to the company’s
bottom line. The conversion to powder has reduced
costs in various ways. Warranty costs are lower, as
are labor costs since the powder line requires not
only fewer hours to actually paint parts, but the
plant has witnessed a noticeable reduction in
paint-related rework and scrap costs as well.
Sharon Spielman is editor of Powder Coated Tough
magazine. She can be reached via email at sspielman@powdercoating.org. For more on Woods Equipment
Company, visit www.woodsequipment.com.
For more on Wagner’s powder coating equipment, visit