Native Advertising
Posted on Monday, April 16, 2018
Are you looking for more creative ways to spread brand awareness and position your company in front of a highly targeted powder coating audience? We have the answer!
The Powder Coated Tough website features a Sponsored Content section where we will post articles written by YOU.
Each month a featured article will be teased prominently on the Home page of and forever archived on the website so it can be found by website visitors and indexed by the major search engines. The article will be promoted in a PCT Enews blast, and weekly to PCI’s 1100+ Facebook followers, 2500+ Twitter followers and 1600+ LinkedIn followers while it’s featured!
Article Guidelines:
• Between 1000-1500 words
• Can be a case study, promote products or services, or contain other interesting content
• Up to 2 accompanying photos (must have rights to photos)
• Cannot make far-fetched claims or disparage competitors; content subject to editorial approval
• Limit 3 entries per company please

Examples of past Native Advertising:
For more information and pricing please view our Media Kit page: