PC Summit Brought Together Innovators, Focused on Bringing New Technology to Market
Posted on Monday, July 1, 2013
By Kevin Biller
Well, the 2013 Powder Coating Summit is
history now. Our goal was to assemble the greatest
minds of the powder coating industry for a forum
focused on innovation. Once again, the gang did
not disappoint. More than 100 innovators descended
upon Columbus, Ohio, June 18-19, to
exchange ideas on what’s next in powder coating
technology and market trends.
This assembly included all aspects of our technology,
including novel pretreatment schemes, advanced
raw materials, new application techniques
and emerging market needs. Attendees journeyed
from places near and far—Europe, South America,
Canada and throughout the United States. Not
only did technology aficionados regale the group
with new ideas, but representatives from key OEMs
engaged the discussions with assessments of where
new technology is needed.
The first day was all about introducing the
fundamentals of powder coating technology,
spearheaded by a crisp treatise on powder coating
chemistry and application basics. A live demonstration
of powder coating manufacturing, application
and evaluation, followed in The PCR Group
laboratory. The most memorable nugget gleaned
was Ken Kreeger’s admission that the original
concept of the powder coating cartridge booth was
devised on a bar napkin after a long day of installing
a basic application system for a new powder
user in the 1970s.
The most productive discourse was no doubt
conducted during the multiple opportunities that
were available for networking. It was truly rewarding
to observe innovators from all aspects of the
coating process seated at the same table, enjoying a
cocktail, and engrossed in discussions about emerging
The symposium provided an array of august
speakers who covered topics that inspired attendees
to envision what’s next in our vaunted technology.
Fascinating approaches to substrate pretreatment
were offered, ranging from novel environmentally
safe chemistries (see page 23 for more on this technology)
to the use of atmospheric plasma to prep
plastics. The dye sublimation process of imprinting
striking patterns in powder coating finishes
was detailed, including new processes to decorate
three-dimensional parts.
Powder formulators were treated to new techniques
to improve pigment dispersion, catalysis,
corrosion resistance and the extension of TiO2. The
use of UV-curable powder coatings for non-traditional
end-uses was described from military and
economic perspectives. Game-changing thermal
spray application processes were detailed, includ-
ing an excellent video depiction
of field application. And a committee
member of the ASTM task
group for powder coating test
methodology provided an update
of initiatives directed at the development
of techniques to measure
powder transfer efficiency and
In all, 15 presentations were
made with the prime goal of inspiring
innovators to look beyond
the obvious to meet the needs of
emerging manufacturing processes
and product requirements.
Once again we can rest assured
that the movers and shakers in
the powder coating industry will
succeed in bringing new technology
to market. I thank the
sponsors, exhibitors, speakers
and most of all the visionaries
who made this forum a triumph
of innovation. We look forward
to reconvening next year.
Kevin Biller is technical editor of
Powder Coated Tough magazine.
He can be reached at 614-354-1198 or
via email at kevinbiller@yahoo.com.