Industry News

Join industry colleagues at the CCAI/PCI 2019 Joint Annual Meeting at the Sonesta Resort Hilton Head Island, SC, from June 16-20, and enjoy outstanding programming and a variety of social activities. 

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Posted in: Industry News
Founded in Detroit by John H. Shoemaker in 1939, Kolene started its tradition of solving commercial and industrial metal cleaning challenges.

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Posted in: Industry News
As I begin my role as president of the Powder Coating Institute, I sit here and think of all the others that I follow and the impact of the past boards of directors. Their passion for and involvement in this association have brought us to where we are today. 

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Posted in: Industry News

The industrial sector accounts for about 34 percent of total U.S. energy consumptionThis energy is consumed as electricity that is purchased or self-generated, and as fossil fuels such as natural gas, propane, fuel oils and coal.

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In the spring of 2014, I reported on the current state of bio-based powder coating technology with an article aptly named It’s Not Easy Being Green. At that juncture, there had been no commercial success with introducing bio-based technology into powder coatings, although a number of attempts had been made.  

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At first glance, comparing powder coatings to waterborne coatings is like comparing an apple to an orange. They are both round and grow on a tree, but is there more to it than that?

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As my Grandfather would tell you, “There’s nothing wrong with skim milk that a little half and half won’t fix.”  A point made in a joke, that a little of the right chemistry can go a long way. 

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The coatings mark a significant technical advancement by combining uniform edge coverage and exceptional corrosion protection in a primerless, one-coat system.

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Posted in: Industry News
Green design. Eco design. Environmental design. There are many different terms for it, but the idea of sustainable design is all around us in a wide range of products we use every day. 

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Employees will operate out of the new location effective Monday, March 18, 2019, with the exception of the production team that handles slit tapes and custom die cut manufacturing. 

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